Penn State Policy AD-69 and WCAG 2.x
Penn State Policy AD-69 “Accessibility of Electronic and Information Technlogy” was created in August 2011 and updated in 2016 to specify the required accessibility accommodations for Penn State Web sites, digital documents, multimedia and software tools.
AD-69 Policy and Accessibility
To quote from policy AD-69:
Penn State has adopted widely accepted international and national accessibility standards and guidelines in order to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations, particularly Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Those standards to which AD69 requires conformance are the following:
- W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (or current version)
- WCAG2ICT Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (or current version)
- AIM-HEA Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education Act (in development and pending legislative approval)
In the event that a person makes a request to make non-active EIT accessible, the unit responsible for its maintenance must make it compliant with the applicable standard, or provide an equally effective accommodation.
Policy AD-25: Video Captioning and Accessibility
In addition to Policy AD-69, Policy AD-25 “Video Productions” specifies that promotional videos should also comply with accessibility guidelines.
Faculty Senate Policy 43-00: Syllabus Statement
As of Fall 2012, Faculty Senate Policy 43-00 specifies that all course syllabi must include “information on procedures related to academic adjustments identified by the Office of Disability Services”. See Accessibility Syllabus Language for recommended language.