The Qualtrics survey tool licensed by Penn State can be used to build accessible surveys, but some precautions should be taken. Penn State has an Qualtrics informational page with more information.
Note: While the output of Qualtrics is accessible, the actual process of creating a survey is not. If students need to create a form or survey for a project, it may be a good idea to consider using one of the other form tool options.
Qualtrics Accessibility maintains information on Survey Accessibility in Qualtrics. The recommendations on this page will make the surveys more accessible and more usable for everyone.
Additional Tips
In addition to the information listed in the previous Qualtrics Accessibility page, recommendations include:
- Change labels of the navigation buttons from «» to "Back" and "Next" or other meaningful labels.
Note: Most screader tools read » as "right double angle bracket" - Confirm that your survey name is meaningful to your intended audience.
Set Up Qualtrics Account
The Penn State IT accessibility team does not support Qualtrics, but the following resources are available.
- ITLD Qualtrics Training and Support
- Penn State Login
- Licensing Questions (email)
- Qualtrics Documentation and Support
Last Update: July 27, 2023