Page Content
Below is a list of captioned recordings of past events.
Basic Concepts
- Introduction: Importance of Web Accessibility
Bill Welsh from the Office of Disability Services reviews policy and issues relating to the need to provide accessible access to Penn State materials. - 8 Main Blockers Webinar
A review of some of the most critical blockers to accessibility, particularly for screen reader users. - Beyond the Blockers: Accessible Doc Design
Additional accessibility issues that should be addressed beyond the main eight blockers.
JAWS Screen Reader Demos
- Short Demonstration of JAWS Screen Reader – Luis Fontanez gives a brief introduction into how he uses JAWS
- JAWS Screen Reader Demo: Course Schedule
JAWS screen reader reading information listed in the Penn State Course schedule. - JAWS Screen Reader Demo Pt 1
Peggy Hoover, an employee from the College of Health and Human Development, demonstrates how she uses JAWS to navigate Penn State services. Note that some page interfaces may have changed since the original recording date. - JAWS Screen Reader Demo Pt 2
Michael Brooks of World Campus provides a description of some accessibility issues for a screen reader witihin an interactive Web site and how they could be addressed in HTML. This is part 2 of a recording for a Penn State Web Developer lunch in March, 2011.
See Also
- Faculty Perspectives: Lauraine Hawkins (Mont Alto)
Lauraine Hawkins focuses on how accessibility helps all students learn more. - Course Audit and Repair (Web Liaisons 2024)
Elizabeth Pyatt talks about how she approaches accessibility in a linguistic course. - Everyday Accessibility for Faculty
This webinar provides efficient workflow tips for instructors who need to accessify course content. - Adobe Captivate 9 Accessible Design (World Campus)
Math and STEM
- Accessible Equation Tool Demos (2024)
This session reviews workflows and quirks for the equation editors in Microsoft Word, Canvas and more. Tips for leveraging LaTex are included. - MathML (Fall 2017)
An updated version of how to use MathML and LaTeX in Sites, Canvas and other online environments. - Excel Charts and Graphs (2024)
A session reviewing techniques of accessible color design in charts as well as how to develop long descriptions. - STEM Course (Match & Science) Accessibility
Some basic strategies to make technical images and tables more accessible.
See also Math, Science and Technical Content - 3-D Printing Accessibility
Aaron Knochel and Elizabeth discuss some initial guidelines for 3D Printing for users with visual disabilities based on preliminary usability studies.
See Also
Image Description
- Image Description for Accessibility (2024)
This session covers basic strategies as well as long description and issues for describing sensitive images. - Excel Charts and Graphs (2024)
A session reviewing techniques of accessible color design in charts as well as how to develop long descriptions. - Complex Image Strategies
Elizabeth Pyatt describes some strategies to describe complex images that can enhance usability for all audiences.
Microsoft Office
- PowerPoint Accessibility (2024)
This session covers image alt text, contrast, reading order and leveraging master slides.
- PDF: Escape from PDF Case Study
Derick Burns of TLT discusses how his unit migrated from PDF to alternative document formats. - PDF: Escape from PDF
An overview of different accessibility issues relating to PDF accessibility and repair and recommendations for migrating PDF content or providing alternate sources.
See also PDF
Testing, Repairs and Standards
Sites at Penn State (Word Press)
Sites@psu Accessibility
This presentation reviews accessible utilities and plug ins for the Penn State Word Press service and explains how different roles have different reposn